Saturday, November 6, 2010

Multiple Intelligences

When it came to analysing these results and asking “why” I did find it quite challenging.

Below is another Multiple Intelligences Quiz which I found in the “Innovative Teachers’ Companion”.
Primary Edition 2011. Authors: Eric Frangenheim, Gerard Alford & Paul Herbert.

itc Publications

I thought it might be interesting to compare results with the first quiz.

Here is the link to complete the quiz yourself.


  1. I am really looking forward to seeing that comparison Michelle!! What are the implications of the quizzes? I would, as a follower, love to go to the site that generated the image you have uploaded. But sadly, there is no link!!!! Two important factors then, firstly they own the process and the ideas, so it is important to acknowledge this through a link to their site. Secondly, your followers would wish to go and do their own, but where??

  2. Whoops!! Thanks for the heads up Wendy re the missing hyperlink! I have rectified that now and it is available for all.

    I have also posted above the results from the second Multiple Intelligence Quiz – they are quite similar. With regards to your question I have also posted what I believe the results implied, my interpretation and awareness of self.
